The Evolutio Foundation will connect people isolated by the pandemic with their families by donating tablets and videoconferencing tools to care homes.

The Evolutio Foundation, a non-profit organisation promoted by Evolutio, an expert company in the integration of cloud services, has announced the launch of the “Connected Seniors” program, a project whose purpose is to help reduce the social isolation derived from the pandemic that people admitted to senior centres may be suffering. Especially during certain dates as important as Christmas, in which mobility restrictions will continue, although the program will continue to be in force in 2021, after the holidays.
Under this program, the Foundation will make available to residences and centres for the elderly that request it, free of charge and without obligation, tablets with 4G internet connection so that users can communicate with their families via videoconference. The program is open to any manufacturer who wishes to collaborate by providing devices.

In order to facilitate the use of technology, the devices will be preconfigured so that they are completely ready for use, in a simple way. Likewise, the Evolutio Foundation will provide the professional staff of the centres where training materials are distributed, such as simple user guides, in order to resolve any possible questions that users may have.

“Seniors connected” thus joins other different programs promoted by the Foundation, but which share the same objective: to reduce the digital and connectivity gap in Spanish society through ICT (information and communication technologies) volunteering. Such programs, for example, include office automation classes and the safe use of social networks for children admitted to the Niño Jesús Children’s University Hospital or help in the preparation of curricula for women at risk of social exclusion.

In the words of Emilio Cortés, president of the Evolutio Foundation, “the pandemic has redefined many priorities and has forced us to be more cautious in our social interactions. However, we live in the era of technology and connectivity: today it is easier than ever to stay united through digital tools and services and, from the Evolutio Foundation, we humbly want to contribute our help to make it possible. Especially for the good of our elders, who are most at risk of being affected by the digital divide ”.

For more information on how to participate in the Evolutio Foundation’s “Connected Seniors” program, an email has been made available for anyone interested: